Number One thing to know about owning a yarn shop? It doesn’t allow for much blogging time!! I know, I know…a year ago I said (right here) that I was going to try share my knitting adventures with all of you more regularly. Well, I guess we can make it an annual thing that I am going to (once again) try to keep up with this blog on some kind of regular schedule. Fair warning though…you all know what happens when humans make plans.
My plan of action here is to start out with my most current knitting projects. When that schedule idea of mine actually pans out, I will attempt to take the opportunity to fill in the blanks with my knitting over the past year. We’ll see how it goes…
Debbie Bliss Eco Aran Cably-Bobbly Madness Sweater
It’s actually called th
e “Curved Edge Jacket” from the Debbie Bliss Eco Fairtrade Collection book, but I think my name is more accurate. This pattern has A LOT going on!! You have the shaping of the curved edge, which starts right from the cast-on. Then there is the 12-row Pattern Panel repeat, which includes open cables, closed cables, and bobbles with cables zig-zagging in between. Fun stuff for sure, but not for the faint of heart! This one is definitely meant for a knitter with an organized mind. (Not quite sure I fit that description in any other part of my life, but it applies when it comes to knitting!)

Have I mentioned that I’ve started this sweater three times? Yes, I said three. It began in a lovely shade of green…a color I often go with. I was about 4 or 5 inches into it. Then we got in the purple…Kings purple. I just couldn’t help myself.
So I happily began again. I worked on it sporadically because I had to stay focused on many sample items for the store, butI stayed with it. I was working my way on the back through the armhole when I held it up to admire my work. It was at this moment that I realized that I started this sweater 22 pounds ago. When you’re only five feet tall, that much weight makes a big difference in the sizes that you should choose when knitting a sweater. Needless to say, I started yet again. (I didn’t even bother to rip and rewind the yarn…how do you spell “impatient”??)
I have to tell you, even with all the craziness…I love working on this one. A challenge, once in a while, is not a terrible thing!